Hadith piece never states that "Prayer is the pillar of Islam, whoever set it up, then he has established religions and those leaving it, then surely he is destroying religion". As Muslims, we are obliged to say two word testimony, praying 5 times a day, fasting during Ramadan, give charity and pilgrimage, if able. Note that the first pillar of Islam, and second, have we ever asked why God put pronunciation of testimony and prayer five times compared to the other religious???
The word "prayer" should be translated as DOA, and according to Islamic terms, prayer is the number of words and actions that led to the interpretation and the end bay with certain conditions.before doing religious prayers, a person must first cleanse themselves of dirty, then the practice is illegal. prayer is a further sign of a slave relationship with God.Islam requires that Muslims perform the obligatory prayers five times a day.
Finally, to my friends who have arrived to my blog, spend this information to all. And if I have made mistakes, asks me is, I am the man who is still trying to find a blessing from God. I hope. amen..